10 Effective Ways You Should Try to Get Rid of Insomnia Naturally

Nadia Khandoker
3 min readFeb 19, 2021
Photo by Sinitta Leunen on Unsplash

Have you ever had one of those nights when you couldn’t be able to sleep? You were trying with all your efforts but all goes in vain. You were fighting to calm your mind just to fall asleep and even worrying how you would manage your next-day tasks properly. Well, that can happen to almost everyone every once in a while. But an insomniac faces these symptoms night after night.

Sounds horrible, right?

What is Insomnia?

Many people consider insomnia as a complete lack of sleeping off a person. In reality, it refers to a bunch of sleeping problems consisting -

  1. Troubles falling asleep for hours at night.

2. Suddenly awakening in the middle of the night.

3. Early awakening without fulfilling a proper sound sleep.

4. Not getting enough sleep days after days and even it passes months of suffering greatly.

If you are one of the insomniacs, you can definitely realize what a painful situation it is! Most people with insomnia are likely to take a sleeping pill before going to bed but it’s not a perfect solution. Sleeping pills can assist you temporarily. But they are addicting and they can’t cure the root of the problem. If you are fighting day after day to find a natural solution, here are some simple ways you should try to beat your insomnia harshly.

Daytime habits:

Photo by kike vega on Unsplash

· A healthy sleeping schedule: Cling to a healthy fixed schedule of going to bed and waking up every day. To let your brain be accustomed to the habit of sleeping you must maintain a specific time of sleeping and rise regularly.

· Avoiding unnecessary naps: To get rid of insomnia you must try not to take rest during the daytime. if it’s really needful be careful of taking only a short time nap.

· Avoid tea and caffeine: Insomnia can be caused by taking much tea and caffeinated drinks during the daytime. Try to avoid taking tea, coffee, chocolate, chocolate milkshake, or other beverages especially after evening as those things stimulate your brain. It can help a lot.

· Kick-off alcohol and nicotine: Alcohol and nicotine disturb our sleeping on time. you must quit these if you want to beat insomnia faster.

· Taking a moderate exercise: Take a moderate exercise at least for 30 minutes every day. It can greatly for people with insomnia

· Doing prayers and meditation: A religious person is most likely not to face insomnia. However, research shows that prayers and meditation can greatly help to heal and calm the mind and to find peace.

Night-time habits:

Photo by Chandler Cruttenden on Unsplash

· Keeping your mind calm: To keep your mind calm before bedtime tries meditation and prayers. Prayers and mindfulness can really help.

· Throwing off devices: You have to throw off all your devices at least 30 minutes before going to sleep. Devices emit blue light that reduces secreting melatonin in your brain at night. It causes insomnia.

· Not to be concerned: you don’t have to be concerned about your sleeping habits when you go to sleep. Don’t look at the watch and lit some candles of lavender that calms your mind.

· Taking a warm shower: you can take a hot shower shortly before sleeping to be relaxed. You should try taking a cup of milk mixing with honey before bedtime.

All these effective ways can be used regularly to get rid of insomnia. If you suffer from chronic insomnia disorder then you can take cognitive behavioral therapy but besides that, you can apply these processes.

